About Us
As parents, our mission is to maximize our children's health.
The Little Bundle Mission
Getting your baby off to a healthy start is hard—but it shouldn't be. We have more than enough to worry about when your little ones are born! Unfortunately, when it comes to baby formula, many new parents discover that the baby formula options at their local grocery store are loaded with sugar-filled syrups, GMOs, allergens, and harsh chemicals. They aren't organic, and they’re missing essential nutrients.
We're trying to change that.
The Little Bundle mission is to maximize your child’s health by making high-quality formula easily accessible, from the moment you’re ready to transition from or supplement breastfeeding. It shouldn’t be so challenging to get the best for your child! With Little Bundle, it isn’t. We've researched every infant formula available in the world, spoken to nutrition experts, taste-tested, and more, so that you don't have to.
We're building a world of happy babies, happy parents, and Little Bundle Families.
A Global Company
Little Bundle is a global company with headquarters based in Europe. We have team members across four continents, Europe, United States, Asia and South America, all working to bring the best products and support to our customers. Our Customer Support team is full of fellow parents and caregivers, and are all (yes, all!) certified in Infant Nutrition: From Breastfeeding to Solids. Our Fulfillment team in Europe makes sure all orders get out on time (a definite necessity for hungry babies!). Across four continents, our management team handles marketing, community, and business development to name a few. This global perspective and diversity are a strength we are proud of and our passion for childhood nutrition is what brings us together.
Our Story
Winter 2019 | After months of research, testing and consultation with industry experts, our founders decide that European formulas are a much better alternative to what is available in the U.S. and begin to source supplies. |
Spring 2019 | Little Bundle is born and our site goes live. Parents are introduced to the best formulas in the world. |
Winter 2020 | Little Bundle introduces even more options (most notably, Stage 3 formulas) to better serve our parents. |
We Only Carry The Best

Little Bundle takes great care to ensure we purchase product from reliable & trustworthy sources. Our team is meticulous about our supply chain, verifying that all formulas comes from authorized distributors of HiPP and Holle.
In addition, we are incredibly thoughtful about our formula selection. We have put together a curated list of European formulas that allow parents to make simpler decisions while still providing the best nutrition for their children.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If this formula isn’t right for your baby, we will work with you to help find the right option for your little one, and give you a store credit equivalent to one single box of the formula you purchased.
Giving Back to the Community

The Little Bundle Supermom Scholarship
More than 11% of undergraduates in the US are single mothers, but only 8% will complete their degrees. Those that do graduate are 3x more likely to live above the poverty level. The Little Bundle Supermom Scholarship awards $2,000 and a year of free baby formula to single mothers who are on their way to achieving degrees.