Michae Smith
Mother of twins, IL

Little Bundle has completely changed my opinion of infant formula. When my twin boys were born premature, I couldn't produce enough breast milk for them, which made me really anxious. I wanted to find a formula that was soy free, so I just typed that into Google and came across Little Bundle! It was heartbreaking not to be able to produce enough breast milk for my two babies, but Little Bundle’s fantastic customer service team reassured me that there were some great options for soy-free and chemical-free formula. I learned all about the Holle and HiPP brands over the course of MANY conversations with Little Bundle’s amazing customer service representatives. I was so relieved to find an alternative to the American formula our pediatrician recommended, which made my boys constipated and gassy when they used it for a few days.
Little Bundle has truly supported me throughout my feeding journey. Hands down, they’ve provided the best customer service I’ve ever received. The savings with Little Bundle have also been outstanding. I love having the flexibility to buy a single box or a bulk pack, and I even received a twin discount, which was a big help with two hungry babies to feed! I’m happy to report that my boys recently turned one and I’ve just started the process of slowly taking them off formula.
Little Bundle has truly supported me throughout my feeding journey. Hands down, they’ve provided the best customer service I’ve ever received. The savings with Little Bundle have also been outstanding. I love having the flexibility to buy a single box or a bulk pack, and I even received a twin discount, which was a big help with two hungry babies to feed! I’m happy to report that my boys recently turned one and I’ve just started the process of slowly taking them off formula.