Heather Macklin
Mother of twins, ID

I came across Little Bundle during my pregnancy while researching high-quality organic formulas. Little Bundle’s website is informative and easy to read, and made me feel confident about purchasing formula before my twins’ arrival, just in case exclusively breastfeeding didn’t work for us.
I was so glad I did the research because my babies were born early. As preemies, they started with HiPP HA to support their immature digestive systems. Then, with guidance from Little Bundle about how to switch formulas, they moved on to HiPP Dutch, which was also gentle on their sensitive tummies.
My twins have enjoyed Little Bundle’s formula from birth, they had lost over 10% of their birth weight before my milk came in. I worked hard to increase my supply, and was so thankful to have a formula that was as nutritionally similar to my breastmilk as possible during this time, as it was difficult for my body to produce enough for two growing babies. As they grew, along with their milk intake, I supplemented until exclusively formula feeding at 10.5 months, and they have done wonderfully!
Like all new moms, I’ve had a lot of questions, and it’s been comforting to have Little Bundle’s support during this beautiful, sleepless, and sometimes stressful time. I’ve consistently received timely, knowledgeable answers on all aspects of feeding my babies, from real people who are moms themselves and feel more like trusted friends than customer service reps. My orders have been delivered surprisingly quickly, and the formula always arrives with expiration dates far into the future.
I was so glad I did the research because my babies were born early. As preemies, they started with HiPP HA to support their immature digestive systems. Then, with guidance from Little Bundle about how to switch formulas, they moved on to HiPP Dutch, which was also gentle on their sensitive tummies.
My twins have enjoyed Little Bundle’s formula from birth, they had lost over 10% of their birth weight before my milk came in. I worked hard to increase my supply, and was so thankful to have a formula that was as nutritionally similar to my breastmilk as possible during this time, as it was difficult for my body to produce enough for two growing babies. As they grew, along with their milk intake, I supplemented until exclusively formula feeding at 10.5 months, and they have done wonderfully!
Like all new moms, I’ve had a lot of questions, and it’s been comforting to have Little Bundle’s support during this beautiful, sleepless, and sometimes stressful time. I’ve consistently received timely, knowledgeable answers on all aspects of feeding my babies, from real people who are moms themselves and feel more like trusted friends than customer service reps. My orders have been delivered surprisingly quickly, and the formula always arrives with expiration dates far into the future.